Daily Usenet report

Oct 30 04:15:02 -- Oct 31 04:15:02

Log entries by program:

Program nameLines%LinesSize%Size
inn 820678 96.7%94.3 MB 96.2%
innd 14382 1.7%2.1 MB 2.2%
nnrpd 7086 0.8%738.0 KB 0.7%
innfeed 6312 0.7%897.5 KB 0.9%
TOTAL: 4 848458 100.0%98.1 MB100.0%

History cache:

Do not exist 816147 92.9%
Negative hits 42926 4.9%
Positive hits 18970 2.2%
Cache misses 184 0.0%
TOTAL: 4 878227 100.0%

INND timer:

Code regionTimePctInvokedMin(ms)Avg(ms)Max(ms)
article cancel00:00:07.613 0.0%389 0.000 19.571 506.000
article cleanup00:00:13.017 0.0%819553 0.000 0.016 0.061
article logging00:00:20.865 0.0%819793 0.000 0.025 0.082
article parse00:28:23.513 2.0%70626641 0.002 0.024 0.052
article write00:07:29.979 0.5%812250 0.118 0.554 4.864
artlog/artcncl00:00:00.009 0.0%378 0.000 0.024 1.000
artlog/artparse00:00:00.000 0.0%1 0.000 0.000 0.000
data move00:01:08.542 0.1%75584196 0.000 0.001 0.003
hisgrep/artcncl00:00:01.794 0.0%358 0.000 5.011 77.000
hishave/artcncl00:00:01.140 0.0%389 0.000 2.931 210.000
history grep00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
history lookup01:21:17.154 5.6%878221 0.017 5.553 21.960
history sync00:00:00.025 0.0%470 0.000 0.053 1.000
history write01:47:47.556 7.5%816392 0.049 7.922 33.008
hiswrite/artcncl00:00:00.698 0.0%31 0.000 22.516 157.000
idle17:37:54.314 73.5%51282971 0.268 1.238 5.898
nntp read00:27:37.753 1.9%70017871 0.003 0.024 0.041
overview write00:00:05.053 0.0%812250 0.000 0.006 0.055
perl filter01:45:11.202 7.3%816391 2.195 7.731 12.989
python filter00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
site send00:01:34.669 0.1%1659952 0.023 0.057 0.123
TOTAL: 23:59:47.65523:39:14.896 98.6%----

INNfeed timer:

Code regionTimePctInvokedMin(ms)Avg(ms)Max(ms)
article new00:00:00.124 0.0%35462 0.000 0.003 0.167
article prepare00:00:00.001 0.0%10702 0.000 0.000 0.083
article read00:00:00.300 0.0%2592 0.000 0.116 2.000
backlog stats00:00:00.112 0.0%226298 0.000 0.000 0.019
callbacks00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
data read00:00:01.402 0.0%143053 0.000 0.010 1.000
data write00:00:04.731 0.0%111864 0.000 0.042 5.000
idle23:59:39.989100.0%226298 0.000 381.709 23100.000
status file00:00:00.183 0.0%190 0.000 0.963 10.000
TOTAL: 23:59:51.61623:59:46.842100.0%----

nnrpd timer:

Code regionTimePctInvokedMin(ms)Avg(ms)Max(ms)
idle00:44:01.653 99.2%9841 0.000 268.433356821.000
newnews00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
nntpwrite00:00:00.699 0.0%21549 0.000 0.032 2.279
readart00:00:00.062 0.0%328 0.000 0.189 15.000
TOTAL: 00:44:22.56600:44:02.414 99.2%----

Control commands to INND:

L 1
flush 24
flushlogs 2
go 2
logmode 2
mode 149
name 2
pause 2
paused 2
reload 2
reserve 2
TOTAL: 11 190

Incoming Feeds (INN):

1newsfeed.pionier.net.pl 589 815570 808437 950 6183 99%210:05:52
2news.nask.pl 2 18769 3414 14278 1077 18%23:23:43
3news.icm.edu.pl 42 274 23 234 17 8%16:49:56
4localhost 1 0 0 0 0 0%00:00:00
TOTAL: 4 634 834613 811874 15462 7277 97%250:19:31
Articles received by server

Incoming Volume (INN):

1newsfeed.pionier.net.pl236.1 GB14.2 MB1.7 GB237.8 GB 99%306.1 KB
2news.nask.pl18.2 MB2.8 MB3.0 MB24.0 MB 75%5.5 KB
3news.icm.edu.pl506.9 KB81.0 KB298.4 KB886.3 KB 57%22.2 KB
4localhost0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
TOTAL: 4236.1 GB17.0 MB1.7 GB237.8 GB 99%304.4 KB
Incoming Volume received by server

Incoming articles:

Oct 30 04:15:02 - 04:59:59 7333 0.9% 2.722.0 GB 0.9% 784.99
Oct 30 05:00:00 - 05:59:59 8860 1.1% 2.462.4 GB 1.0% 691.69
Oct 30 06:00:00 - 06:59:59 7764 1.0% 2.162.4 GB 1.0% 689.60
Oct 30 07:00:00 - 07:59:59 8664 1.1% 2.412.6 GB 1.1% 760.34
Oct 30 08:00:00 - 08:59:59 10947 1.3% 3.042.8 GB 1.2% 817.54
Oct 30 09:00:00 - 09:59:59 10172 1.3% 2.832.9 GB 1.2% 837.16
Oct 30 10:00:00 - 10:59:59 11447 1.4% 3.183.2 GB 1.3% 920.08
Oct 30 11:00:00 - 11:59:59 9453 1.2% 2.631.9 GB 0.8% 567.24
Oct 30 12:00:00 - 12:59:59 54228 6.7% 15.0616.9 GB 7.1%4915.98
Oct 30 13:00:00 - 13:59:59 60306 7.4% 16.7518.5 GB 7.8%5394.45
Oct 30 14:00:00 - 14:59:59 63317 7.8% 17.5917.7 GB 7.5%5168.37
Oct 30 15:00:00 - 15:59:59 51104 6.3% 14.2013.8 GB 5.8%4014.26
Oct 30 16:00:00 - 16:59:59 13089 1.6% 3.642.0 GB 0.8% 570.07
Oct 30 17:00:00 - 17:59:59 10593 1.3% 2.941.8 GB 0.8% 520.50
Oct 30 18:00:00 - 18:59:59 10871 1.3% 3.022.2 GB 0.9% 631.49
Oct 30 19:00:00 - 19:59:59 10822 1.3% 3.012.0 GB 0.9% 591.14
Oct 30 20:00:00 - 20:59:59 11746 1.4% 3.262.7 GB 1.1% 789.96
Oct 30 21:00:00 - 21:59:59 39409 4.8% 10.9511.9 GB 5.0%3472.75
Oct 30 22:00:00 - 22:59:59 49197 6.1% 13.6715.2 GB 6.4%4436.66
Oct 30 23:00:00 - 23:59:59 72375 8.9% 20.1021.6 GB 9.2%6305.52
Oct 31 00:00:00 - 00:59:59 49210 6.1% 13.6714.1 GB 6.0%4097.84
Oct 31 01:00:00 - 01:59:59 76328 9.4% 21.2024.1 GB 10.2%7011.00
Oct 31 02:00:00 - 02:59:59 78427 9.6% 21.7923.9 GB 10.1%6965.75
Oct 31 03:00:00 - 03:59:59 69077 8.5% 19.1921.8 GB 9.2%6346.73
Oct 31 04:00:00 - 04:15:02 18016 2.2% 19.976.0 GB 2.5%6985.07
TOTAL: 24:00:00 812755 100.0% 9.41236.4 GB 100.0%2868.94
Incoming articles
Incoming articles (size)

Sites sending bad articles:

1newsfeed.pionier.net.pl 6424 228 0 2134 4 0 0 0 4058
2news.nask.pl 1103 54 0 1024 6 0 0 0 19
3news.icm.edu.pl 18 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 14
TOTAL: 3 7545 282 0 3162 10 0 0 0 4091

Unwanted newsgroups [Top 20]:

uk.railway 53
it.comp.os.win.windows7 43
alt.sex.telephones 42
it.comp.os.win.windows8 33
it.tlc.cellulari.android 22
comp.sys.raspberry-pi 21
comp.mobile.ipad 17
hr.ponuda.hardver.komponente 9
comp.sys.mac.vintage 8
comp.mobile.android 8
hr.alt.cellular.gsm.iphone 7
hr.alt.cellular.gsm.android 5
de.comp.office-pakete.ms-office.excel 4
de.comp.lang.vbclassic 2
de.comp.lang.perl 2
uk.rec.cycling.moderated 2
de.comm.provider.telefonie 2
de.comp.os.os2 1
it.comp.os.linux.ubuntu 1
TOTAL: 19 282

Supposedly-moderated groups with unmoderated postings [Top 20]:

pl.sci.matematyka 4
fido7.ru.guitar.soft 3
pl.sci.historia 3
TOTAL: 3 10

INND Perl filter [Top 20]:

Binary in non-binary group 3833
EMP (md5) 16
Attached HTML file 1
TOTAL: 3 3850

Outgoing Feeds (innfeed) by Articles:

1panorama 36189 1242 34076 145 0 0 3%24:00:14
2icm 41280 574 30460 503 1 3 1%24:00:16
3nask 26215 63 16878 139 0 0 0%24:01:56
4poznan 4545 7 3184 6 0 0 0%24:04:59
5okapi 0 0 0 0 0 2815 0%24:00:03
TOTAL: 5 108229 1886 84598 793 1 2818 1%120:07:28
Outgoing feeds (innfeed) by Articles

Outgoing Feeds (innfeed) by Volume:

1icm111.2 MB126.0 MB237.1 MB2.8 KB/s225.4 KB24:00:16
2panorama8.0 MB471.5 KB8.4 MB0.1 KB/s6.2 KB24:00:14
3nask1.4 MB71.3 MB72.7 MB0.9 KB/s368.5 KB24:01:56
4poznan31.9 KB32.7 KB64.6 KB0.0 KB/s5.0 KB24:04:59
5okapi0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB/s024:00:03
TOTAL: 5120.5 MB197.8 MB318.3 MB0.8 KB/s121.7 KB120:07:28
Outgoing feeds (innfeed) by Volume

Backlog files shrunk by innfeed:

okapi488.4 KB
TOTAL: 1488.4 KB

NNRP readership statistics:

1pc-skrzep2.cm.p.lodz.pl 288 288366.5 KB 288 0 000:00:06
2web.man.lodz.pl 288 3838.3 KB 16 0 000:00:21
383-144-109-22.static.chello.pl 4 21.6 KB 2 0 200:26:13
TOTAL: 3 580 328406.4 KB 306 0 200:44:22

NNRP readership statistics (by domain):

1*.cm.p.lodz.pl 288 288366.5 KB 288 0 000:00:06
2*.man.lodz.pl 672 3838.3 KB 16 0 000:00:26
3*.static.chello.pl 4 21.6 KB 2 0 200:26:13
4*.191.14.62.static.jazztel.es 2 00.0 KB 0 0 000:11:35
5*.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl 1 00.0 KB 0 0 000:05:52
6*.toya.net.pl 70 00.0 KB 0 0 000:00:08
TOTAL: 61037 328406.4 KB 306 0 200:44:22

NNRP total resource statistics [Top 20]:

83-144-109-22.static.chello.pl 0.197 0.126 0.00000:26:13 0.221 0.389 0.00000:11:35
aagr38.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl 0.452 0.040 0.00000:05:52
web.man.lodz.pl 1.042 3.300 0.00000:00:21
staticline41435.toya.net.pl 0.241 0.737 0.00000:00:08
pc-skrzep2.cm.p.lodz.pl 1.065 3.272 0.00000:00:06
mon.man.lodz.pl 0.951 3.272 0.00000:00:04
david.man.lodz.pl 0.363 1.017 0.00000:00:01
TOTAL: 8 4.532 12.153 0.00000:44:22

Curious NNRP server explorers [Top 20]:

mon.man.lodz.pl 288
david.man.lodz.pl 96
staticline41435.toya.net.pl 70 2
aagr38.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl 1
TOTAL: 5 457

Newsgroup request counts (by category):

1lodman 288 87.8%
2pl 38 11.6%
3lodzman 2 0.6%
TOTAL: 3 328100.0%

Newsgroup request counts (by newsgroup) [Top 100]:

1lodman.info 288
2pl.comp.pecet 34
3pl.comp.os.ms-windows.winnt 4
4lodzman.test 2
TOTAL: 4 328