Daily Usenet report

Mar 10 04:15:03 -- Mar 11 04:15:03

Unknown entries from news log file:

First 6 / 6 lines (100.0%)
Mar 10 08:36:11 newsfeed1 nnrpd[15202]: SERVER perl filter not defined
Mar 10 10:55:35 newsfeed1 nnrpd[24338]: SERVER perl filter not defined
Mar 10 11:04:58 newsfeed1 nnrpd[24791]: SERVER perl filter not defined
Mar 10 12:34:51 newsfeed1 nnrpd[30624]: SERVER perl filter not defined
Mar 10 16:16:38 newsfeed1 nnrpd[12777]: SERVER perl filter not defined
Mar 10 16:21:01 newsfeed1 nnrpd[12990]: SERVER perl filter not defined

Log entries by program:

Program nameLines%LinesSize%Size
inn2669123 99.1%299.5 MB 98.9%
innd 16588 0.6%2.5 MB 0.8%
nnrpd 5998 0.2%620.8 KB 0.2%
innfeed 1881 0.1%248.0 KB 0.1%
controlchan 2 0.0%0.3 KB 0.0%
TOTAL: 52693592 100.0%302.9 MB100.0%

Control commands to INND:

flush 24
flushlogs 1
paused 2
reload 1
TOTAL: 4 28

Newsgroups created:


Control Channel:

SendernewgrouprmgroupOtherBad PGPDoItOK

Incoming Feeds (INN):

1newsfeed.pionier.net.pl 759 31705483135164 33129 2255 98%567:59:29
2news.nask.pl 2 34210 28523 5352 335 83%23:46:14
3news.task.gda.pl 15 46047 5620 40217 210 12%45:03:31
4news.icm.edu.pl 30 561 262 185 114 46%22:26:54
5localhost 31 6 6 0 0 100%00:00:01
TOTAL: 5 837 32513723169575 78883 2914 97%659:16:09

Articles received by server

Incoming Volume (INN):

1newsfeed.pionier.net.pl1022.9 GB191.2 MB1023.1 GB 99%341.9 KB567:59:29
2news.nask.pl162.6 MB1.4 MB164.0 MB 99%5.8 KB23:46:14
3news.task.gda.pl10.7 MB6.3 KB10.7 MB 99%1.9 KB45:03:31
4news.icm.edu.pl6.6 MB16.3 KB6.6 MB 99%17.9 KB22:26:54
5localhost8.3 KB0.0 KB8.3 KB100%1.4 KB00:00:01
TOTAL: 51023.1 GB192.6 MB1023.3 GB 99%338.2 KB659:16:09

Incoming Volume received by server

Incoming articles:

Mar 10 04:15:03 - 04:59:59 40964 1.5% 15.1914.6 GB 1.7%5688.91
Mar 10 05:00:00 - 05:59:59 54157 2.0% 15.0417.9 GB 2.1%5221.88
Mar 10 06:00:00 - 06:59:59 85249 3.2% 23.6828.0 GB 3.3%8151.39
Mar 10 07:00:00 - 07:59:59 91952 3.4% 25.5430.6 GB 3.6%8917.50
Mar 10 08:00:00 - 08:59:59 126973 4.8% 35.2742.3 GB 4.9%12317.57
Mar 10 09:00:00 - 09:59:59 141198 5.3% 39.2246.9 GB 5.5%13651.61
Mar 10 10:00:00 - 10:59:59 146684 5.5% 40.7548.6 GB 5.7%14149.05
Mar 10 11:00:00 - 11:59:59 145955 5.5% 40.5448.4 GB 5.7%14104.83
Mar 10 12:00:00 - 12:59:59 133596 5.0% 37.1142.1 GB 4.9%12248.63
Mar 10 13:00:00 - 13:59:59 113261 4.2% 31.4636.3 GB 4.2%10564.69
Mar 10 14:00:00 - 14:59:59 111038 4.2% 30.8435.0 GB 4.1%10184.84
Mar 10 15:00:00 - 15:59:59 121311 4.6% 33.7038.3 GB 4.5%11148.42
Mar 10 16:00:00 - 16:59:59 110862 4.2% 30.8036.2 GB 4.2%10543.53
Mar 10 17:00:00 - 17:59:59 113294 4.2% 31.4735.9 GB 4.2%10457.54
Mar 10 18:00:00 - 18:59:59 102061 3.8% 28.3531.5 GB 3.7%9182.74
Mar 10 19:00:00 - 19:59:59 100598 3.8% 27.9430.8 GB 3.6%8959.90
Mar 10 20:00:00 - 20:59:59 139082 5.2% 38.6344.2 GB 5.2%12884.23
Mar 10 21:00:00 - 21:59:59 112463 4.2% 31.2435.8 GB 4.2%10436.65
Mar 10 22:00:00 - 22:59:59 75017 2.8% 20.8422.7 GB 2.7%6611.15
Mar 10 23:00:00 - 23:59:59 112095 4.2% 31.1435.6 GB 4.2%10361.83
Mar 11 00:00:00 - 00:59:59 118712 4.5% 32.9837.1 GB 4.3%10795.52
Mar 11 01:00:00 - 01:59:59 116762 4.4% 32.4335.0 GB 4.1%10193.18
Mar 11 02:00:00 - 02:59:59 113080 4.2% 31.4135.5 GB 4.2%10343.64
Mar 11 03:00:00 - 03:59:59 112248 4.2% 31.1836.9 GB 4.3%10740.29
Mar 11 04:00:00 - 04:15:03 27254 1.0% 30.189.0 GB 1.1%10499.45
TOTAL: 24:00:00 2665866 100.0% 30.85855.1 GB 100.0%10377.76

Incoming articles

Incoming articles (size)

Sites sending bad articles:

1newsfeed.pionier.net.pl 1610 312 0 585 0 0 0 0 713
2news.nask.pl 648 128 0 162 1 0 0 0 357
3news.task.gda.pl 209 151 0 2 5 0 0 0 51
4news.icm.edu.pl 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111
TOTAL: 4 2578 591 0 749 6 0 0 0 1232

Unwanted newsgroups [Top 20]:

uk.railway 230
comp.mobile.ipad 92
fa.freebsd.cvs-all 68
alt.pictures.erotic 40
de.rec.sf.startrek 28
hr.ponuda.hardver.komponente 21
fr.usenet.abus.nocem 16
it.comp.os.win.windows7 13
uk.rec.cycling.moderated 11
rec.arts.tv.x-factor 10
fr.rec.jeux.cartes.poker 9
fr.comp.os.android 9
it.tlc.cellulari.android 7
hr.ponuda.hardver.periferije 7
it.comp.os.win.windows8 6
de.comp.lang.php 5
de.comp.office-pakete.ms-office.outlook 3
hr.rec.glazba.hifi 3
hr.sci.med 3
hr.ponuda.motocikli 2
TOTAL: 26 591

Supposedly-moderated groups with unmoderated postings [Top 20]:

fr.comp.lang.php 5
clari.local.missouri 1
TOTAL: 2 6

INND Perl filter [Top 20]:

Binary in non-binary group 470
EMP (md5) 110
HTML post 88
Attached HTML file 78
EMP (phl) 36
EMP (fsl) 10
Scoring filter (8) 1
Scoring filter (9) 1
TOTAL: 8 794

Miscellaneous innd statistics [Top 10]:

Including strange strings
news.nask.pl 348
newsfeed.pionier.net.pl 84
news.task.gda.pl 3
TOTAL: 3 435
TOTAL: 1 435

Outgoing Feeds (innfeed) by Articles:

1panorama 149299 24016 91149 4434 12 1 16%26:41:10
2poznan 52906 1060 35138 447 1 0 2%24:31:06
3task 3807 76 1938 13 0 15 1%22:09:30
TOTAL: 3 206012 25152 128225 4894 13 288537 12%206:38:09

Outgoing feeds (innfeed) by Articles

Outgoing Feeds (innfeed) by Volume:

1panorama146.7 MB118.8 MB265.5 MB2.8 KB/s9.6 KB26:41:10
2poznan4.6 MB1.1 MB5.7 MB0.1 KB/s3.9 KB24:31:06
3task145.6 KB23.5 KB169.1 KB0.0 KB/s1.9 KB22:09:30
TOTAL: 3151.5 MB119.9 MB271.4 MB0.4 KB/s9.2 KB206:38:09

Outgoing feeds (innfeed) by Volume

Backlog files shrunk by innfeed:

okapi488.3 KB
TOTAL: 1488.3 KB

NNRP readership statistics:

1vegas.cm.p.lodz.pl 288 360577.3 KB 288 0 000:01:19
2kujawiak.man.lodz.pl 294 136125.2 KB 378 6 000:03:56
3pc-212-191-87-58.p.lodz.pl 2 25.1 KB 8 0 000:08:36
TOTAL: 3 584 498707.6 KB 674 6 021:42:14

NNRP readership statistics (by domain):

1*.cm.p.lodz.pl 288 360577.3 KB 288 0 000:01:19
2*.man.lodz.pl 555 136125.2 KB 378 6 000:04:12
3*.p.lodz.pl 2 25.1 KB 8 0 000:08:36
4*.red-88-14-208.dynamicip.rima-tde.net 7 00.0 KB 0 0 020:50:58
5unresolved 411 00.0 KB 0 0 000:03:34
6*.193.161.46.tvsat364.lodz.pl 1 00.0 KB 0 0 000:10:03
7*.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl 5 00.0 KB 0 0 000:03:29
8*.toya.net.pl 2 00.0 KB 0 0 000:20:01
TOTAL: 81271 498707.6 KB 674 6 021:42:14

NNRP total resource statistics [Top 20]:

45.red-88-14-208.dynamicip.rima-tde.net 0.704 5.328 0.00020:50:58
systemy103.toya.net.pl 0.004 0.164 0.00000:20:01
ip- 0.004 0.092 0.00000:10:03
pc-212-191-87-58.p.lodz.pl 0.008 0.200 0.00000:08:36
kujawiak.man.lodz.pl 0.436 27.752 0.00000:03:56
achw57.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl 0.004 0.392 0.00000:03:28 0.320 27.000 0.00000:03:27
vegas.cm.p.lodz.pl 0.352 26.748 0.00000:01:19
f-oper-v100.man.lodz.pl 0.084 14.724 0.00000:00:12 0.104 11.548 0.00000:00:07
david.man.lodz.pl 0.096 8.980 0.00000:00:03
absc26.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl 0.000 0.116 0.00000:00:00
? 0.000 0.104 0.00000:00:00
TOTAL: 13 2.116 123.148 0.00021:42:14

Curious NNRP server explorers [Top 20]:

SystemConn 288
f-oper-v100.man.lodz.pl 165 123
david.man.lodz.pl 96
45.red-88-14-208.dynamicip.rima-tde.net 7
achw57.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl 4
systemy103.toya.net.pl 2
ip- 1
absc26.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl 1
TOTAL: 9 687

NNRP unrecognized commands (by host):

achw57.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl 2
absc26.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl 1
TOTAL: 2 3

NNRP unrecognized commands (by command):

TOTAL: 1 3

NNRP client timeouts [Top 20]:

45.red-88-14-208.dynamicip.rima-tde.net 5 0
systemy103.toya.net.pl 2 0
ip- 1 0
TOTAL: 3 8 0

Newsgroup request counts (by category):

1lodman 360 72.3%
2pl 138 27.7%
TOTAL: 2 498100.0%

Newsgroup request counts (by newsgroup) [Top 100]:

1lodman.info 360
2pl.comp.pecet 118
3pl.comp.os.ms-windows.winnt 18
4pl.comp.os.linux 2
TOTAL: 4 498

innreport 3.0.2 (c) 1996-1999 by Fabien Tassin <fta@sofaraway.org>.